Kai the Missionary Sea Turtle by Natalia Sepúlveda

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Book Title: Kai the Missionary Sea Turtle | La Tortuga Marina Missionera

Author: Natalia Sepúlveda

Illustrator: Alejandra Lopez

Design Notes

This was such a fun book to work on because of its bilingual approach. Natalia wanted the whole book in both English and Spanish, including a map in the back with continents, oceans, and different types of animals all labeled. We decided to use a bubble graphic to separate the two languages in the storyline, and then for the labels throughout the book we used two different colors of text to distinguish the languages.

Book Description

A bilingual (English-Spanish) Christian children’s book to teach children about missions from the perspective Kai the missionary sea turtle. Bonus section includes a Christian parenting guide and facts about missionaries. This book also teaches the colors, animal and instrument names in both English and Spanish.

Un libro cristiano bilingüe (inglés-español) infantil para enseñarle a los niños sobre las misiones desde la perspectiva de Kai, la tortuga marina misionera. La sección de bono incluye una guía cristiana para padres y datos sobre misioneros. Este libro también enseña los colores, nombres de animales e instrumentos en inglés y español.

Publish Date: November 2020

Format: Hardcover

ISBN: 9781734817225

Price: $17.99

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