Board Books by Design: A Conversation with author Lindsay Kellar-Madsen
Are you considering printing your next children’s book as a board book?
Board books can be tricky beasts to conquer as self-publishing authors. It can be difficult to get them printed at a rate that gives you the ideal retail price and return on investment. But they also offer lots of options for printing compared to the standard hardcover or softcover children’s book varieties. Plus, some manuscripts are just meant to be for board books!
Join me as I discuss the journey to printing board books with Lindsay Kellar-Madsen, mom of four small kids and author of The Lovely Haze of Baby Days—a board book for busy moms. Obviously, Lindsay knows a thing or two about babies. And after successfully funding and releasing her first book, she also knows a thing or two about board books!
In this meeting, we’ll discuss:
- The physical makeup of a board book and how it differs from hardcovers and softcovers
- All of the extra options available for board books
- How to get your board book printed
If you’re considering publishing a board book, then you won’t want to miss this event! Register now to save your seat at the table.